Komodo Aspen Bed 6l - aspen fiber substrate
The Aspen Bed substrate is specially designed for the breeding of snakes and other crawling or burrowing animals. It has a unique shape consisting of long and soft fibers from the tree, which poses no threat to crawling and burrowing animals. It significantly facilitates movement and burrowing.
Product compliance details: Manufacturer and person responsible for the product
Responsibility for the Product
Manufacturer Happy Pet Products Ltd Unit 1 Flatten Way LE7 1GU Syston United Kingdom [email protected]
Responsible person DMR Group Poland Woźniaka 42 40-389 Katowice Poland [email protected]
Aspen Bed has the form of long and thin shavings. This structure facilitates burrowing and digging. The excavated tunnels maintain their shapes and additionally have insulating properties, keeping warmth inside the burrow, effectively heating the animal and creating a safe hiding place. Such properties positively influence the willingness to lay eggs in it.
The Aspen Bed substrate is a natural product containing no chemical ingredients. It has been appropriately dusted, not irritating the eyes of animals residing in it.
Thanks to its porous structure, it intensely absorbs moisture (up to 190% of its weight) and unpleasant odors, which helps maintain freshness and cleanliness in the terrarium for a long time.
It is an efficient, economical, and environmentally friendly substrate. Additionally, this substrate serves as a wonderful decoration for terrariums, while also imitating the natural environment for their inhabitants. It also positively influences egg-laying.
Properly selected substrate positively affects the proper and natural behavior of animals.
It poses no threat to animals even in the case of ingestion.
The package contains:
- 6 liters of poplar fibers
Product specifically dedicated for:
- Corn Snake (Pantherophis guttatus)
- Milk Snake (Lampropeltis triangulum)
- Garter Snake (Thamnophis)
- Western Hognose Snake (Heterodon nasicus)
- and other snakes of all sizes
- all rodents
Komodo - present in the UK market for 20 years. Their food products are the best-selling food in Western Europe, and their products are recognized by herpetologists and breeders worldwide. Komodo, with its commitment to creating top-class products, has been a leading quality provider of terrarium products for years. The brand, co-created with breeders from the UK, has been setting new trends among producers of terrarium products, especially food.