Seachem Clarity 100ml - water clarification
Clarity is the ultimate clarifying agent for water in both freshwater and saltwater aquariums.
Product compliance details: Manufacturer responsible for the product
Responsibility for the Product
Manufacturer Seachem Laboratories, Inc. 1000 Seachem Drive 30622 Madison, GA United States [email protected]
Contains an advanced flocculating polymer agent that is safe for reefs, fish, and plants in aquariums.
Clarity is the only product of its kind on the market! It allows for the removal of all types of water cloudiness and is not limited to chemical cloudiness and particles (i.e., mixed with the substrate).
After adding Clarity to the water, you will see cloudiness forming. This is normal and means that Clarity is starting to work. The water is filled with tiny particles of matter that were not visible to the naked eye. Clarity causes these pieces of matter to begin to clump together. As they stick together, they form larger particles that are now visible, hence the cloudiness. At this stage, it only needs to be filtered mechanically. This material was once too small to be caught in filters, and now it is in sufficiently large clumps.
Instructions for use: Add 5ml for every 80l of water. In some cases, the cloudiness of the water may increase, which is normal and means that Clarity is starting to work. Over time, the clarity of the water increases. After the cloudiness has been removed, it may be necessary to clean the mechanical filter media.