Seachem Seagel 250ml cartridge mix
SeaGel is a blend of absorbents that removes phosphates, silicates, organics, metals, acids and much more. The convenient blend replaces many other filter cartridges saving space in the filter and, most importantly, money.
Product compliance details: Manufacturer responsible for the product
Responsibility for the Product
Manufacturer Seachem Laboratories, Inc. 1000 Seachem Drive 30622 Madison, GA United States [email protected]
SeaGel is a 50/50 blend of MatrixCarbon and PhosGuard.
MatrixCarbon is a carbon with a high capacity to remove organic and colour contaminants. PhosGuard is an effective removal agent for phosphates, silicates, toxic metals and acids. Both components are ball-shaped for optimum water flow and penetration characteristics. The components complement each other and are ideal for reef and marine use.
Although MatrixCarbon has the lowest detectable leachable phosphate content of any major carbon brand tested, some phosphate is still released. Adding PhosGuard to the mix compensates for this. Both components are ball-shaped for optimum water flow and penetration characteristics. The components complement each other and are ideal for reef and marine use.
SeaGel can also be used in fresh water that is not phosphate buffered.
Use: 250 ml for every 150-225 L of water. Use in a filter bag such as Orca Micron ION-XRinse in fresh water before use. Use caution as the product will foam and heat up during initial wetting. SeaGel will function for a period of 3-4 months.