Aquabotanique SuperCarbo 200ml - liquid carbon
This is a specialized preparation that quickly provides plants with large amounts of easily absorbable carbon. Carbon is the basic building block of plant tissue; feeding plants with this important element intensifies their growth, improves their condition, and gives them a healthy appearance.
Product compliance details: Manufacturer and person responsible for the product
Responsibility for the Product
Manufacturer Aqua Botanique Gwarecka 23 41-705 Ruda Śląska Poland [email protected]
Responsible person Aqua Botanique Gwarecka 23 41-705 Ruda Śląska Poland [email protected]
The Super Carbo fertilizer can successfully be used in aquariums that do not have a carbon dioxide injection system, as well as in tanks with a functioning CO2 system. The application of the product improves living conditions for plants - enhancing their condition and increasing the advantage of plants in food competition, contributing to the elimination of algae from the aquarium. Within just a few weeks of starting to use the product, we will notice a significant change in the condition of all plant species, as well as a regression of algae.
The fertilizers are sold in aesthetically pleasing and convenient bottles with a precise fertilizer dispenser. This high-quality dispenser is leak-proof in any position, whether it is closed or open, upright or horizontal. These are very efficient fertilizers, and such a portion is sufficient for intensive fertilization of a plant-rich and fast-metabolizing tank for many months.
In aquariums with a small number of plants (substrate coverage of less than 50%), we use one press of the dispenser for every 50 liters of water in the aquarium daily.
In brightly lit aquariums with a larger number of plants (more than 50% substrate coverage), we use two presses of the dispenser for every 50 liters of water in the aquarium per day.