Ecotech Vortech MP40MQD - circulation pump 19000 l/h
In an aquarium, proper flow is crucial for the health of the ecosystem. Ecotech Vortech pumps are characterized by the absence of harmful "hot spots" for corals and precise control of water movement. Choosing the right equipment for water circulation has never been easier!
In an aquarium, proper flow is crucial for the health of the ecosystem. Ecotech Vortech pumps are characterized by the absence of harmful "hot spots" for corals and precise control of water movement. Choosing the right equipment for water circulation has never been easier!
Unique design
- No distractions from the beauty of the tank and its inhabitants
- No wires in the aquarium
- No unwanted heat added to the water column
- No risk of electric shock harming people or marine life
- No hassle with installation, moving, or cleaning the powerhead
Available modes:
Lagoon mode: Lagoon mode simulates a low-energy lagoon environment. The pump speed changes slowly to recreate the gentle currents of a lagoon.
Reef Crest mode: Reef Crest Random mode simulates a high-energy reef environment. The pump will often and drastically change speed, simulating breaking waves and tides. This is a favorite among SPS corals.
Gyre mode: Gyre mode creates a flow pattern consisting of uniform flow levels in a clockwise and *counterclockwise direction, pulsating at a selected interval from two seconds to two hours (Variable rotation direction requires multiple pumps).
Short Pulse mode: Short Pulse mode creates a flow pattern consisting of uniform high and low pulsing levels at a selected interval from 0.2 seconds to 2 seconds.
Tidal Swell mode: Tidal Swell (TSM) mode creates a harmonic balance reminiscent of the changing flow conditions occurring in nature. Over a few hours, the flow pattern will change from very chaotic to calm, followed by a sharp increase at the very end of the cycle. The flow direction will reverse in each cycle.
Nutrient Transport mode: Nutrient Transport mode (NTM) creates a circuit in a two-phase program. The first phase uses wave motion to stir up debris. The second phase follows with a sudden movement to transfer the debris to the overflow and out of the aquarium. This mode promotes maximum health, nutrient export, and increased growth of sensitive corals, such as SPS.
Technical specifications:
- Flow: 19,000 lph
- Power consumption: 9-37 W
- Tank range: 190-1800 liters
- Maximum glass thickness: 19 mm