AF Marine Flakes is a food for herbivorous fish in the form of flakes with a unique addition of nori seaweed! This innovative formula has been created to provide fish not only with a complete and nutritious diet but also with exceptional taste and health. Flakes are the most popular form of fish food in the world of aquaristics, and they are now also available in a version specifically designed for marine herbivorous fish. It can also be successfully used for fish in freshwater aquariums.
Product compliance details: Manufacturer and person responsible for the product
Responsibility for the Product
Manufacturer Aquaforest ul. Górna Wilda 74 61-564 Poznań Poland [email protected]
Responsible person Aquaforest ul. Starowiejska 18 32-800 Brzesko Poland [email protected]
What distinguishes AF Marine Flakes food? First of all, the unique addition of nori algae, which is an excellent source of valuable nutrients. Nori algae sheets are added directly to the flakes. Nori algae are rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins that support the proper development and functioning of fish.
Additionally, the food contains a significant amount of spirulina – a superfood known for its high content of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Spirulina not only provides essential nutrients but also supports the natural digestive processes of fish, contributing to their health and vitality. Our flake food is not only a tasty meal but also easy to apply. Just provide the appropriate amount of flakes, adjusted to the size of the fish school, and you will observe their joy in feeding.