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Has your product arrived damaged? No worries - we will help.

Here are a few steps that, together with your support, will allow us to quickly resolve the issue:

1) If you have written a damage report with the delivery courier, please send a photo of the report to our email address: [email protected] and our consultant will start the fastest possible procedure to replace/add a new item etc.

2) If you did not write down the damage protocol when collecting the parcel or you picked up the parcel from the "no objections" box, please report it to the courier company's hotline so that we can start the complaint procedure - the protocol obtained later or other information from the courier company should be sent to us via e-mail and we will start the action and inform you immediately about further steps.

3. if the courier company creates any problems - don't worry, send us an email with a photo of the damaged product and (if you still have it) its packaging - in response our consultant will propose the fastest and best solution.

We try our best to handle the above tasks and solve all requests honestly, quickly and reliably.

Only your satisfaction brings us satisfaction, so if a gaffe happens give us the chance to rectify it.


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