Tanganyika Buffer is a mixture of carbonates designed to increase water hardness, buffering capacity, and pH in tanks with African cichlids.
Product compliance details: Manufacturer responsible for the product
Responsibility for the Product
Manufacturer Seachem Laboratories, Inc. 1000 Seachem Drive 30622 Madison, GA United States [email protected]
Tanganyika Buffer is a mixture of carbonates prepared to increase water hardness, buffering capacity, and pH in tanks with African cichlids. It maintains pH levels between 9.0 - 9.4. For optimal conditions in Lake Tanganyika, it is recommended to use it together with Cichlid Lake Salt and Cichlid Trace preparations.
Usage instructions:
Add a flat teaspoon (5g) daily for every 40 to 80 liters of water, until the desired pH is reached and stabilized. Afterwards, use as needed, but no more often than every 2-3 weeks.
Before use, dissolve in water. It is recommended to use during the setup of a new aquarium, after water changes (after adding Cichlid Lake Salt), and between water changes if there is a need to raise the pH. The preparation is designed to maintain pH levels from 9.0 to 9.4 (depending on the amount used). To lower the pH, use Malawi/Victoria Buffer (pH 7.8 – 8.4) either alone or in combination with Tanganyika Buffer.